( With proof ) Pooltoo app – Refer and earn ₹10 PayTM per refer

Hello friends welcome back to Trickzon Community. We I hope you are looted tmw ₹30. Now we are posting a new PayTM loot offer in which you can earn unlimited cash by just refer.pooltoo loot for unlimited PayTM cash

Pooltoo App – Pooltoo offers a premium ride sharing platform which lets you offer or request for lift in a completely flexible and convenient way. You can travel at half the usual cost when you share your ride, while contributing your two bits towards reduction of traffic and pollution.

Refer your friends and earn PayTM cash per refer you will get 10 credits.

How will avail this offer

  • Download App
  • Enter PayTM number and refer code Kara11487
  • Now go-to invite section and click on share to get own refer code your friends.
  • Go-to wallet and verified your PayTM number just sending 1₹ then you will eligible for recivied credit in to wallet

Invites & Linked Earnings

Pooltoo believes in growing together hence it allows all it’s community member to invite their contacts on Pooltoo Carpool App. By doing so our existing members allow their acquaintances to be the part of this fight against nationwide spread ROAD CONGESTION

How to Invite a Friend ?

Simply Login to Pooltoo Carpool App, visit your profile section, there you can see Invite a Friend menu click on it and you will be provided with all the contacts in your phone. Select all, or whom you need to invite. Automatically an Invite notification will be sent to your friend along with Pooltoo App download link and Invitation Code .

Your friend needs to download the app and use your Invitation code so that you could be benefited. Like you, he/she may also Invite his/her friends and earn Pooltoo Credits on successful Invitation based sign ups.

Terms & Conditions

All the participants or Invitees must be 18 years of age and should be having their respective Identity proofs

Pooltoo offers 10 Pooltoo credits to hosts if their Invitees successfully complete the registration process.

The app facilitates to synchronize your contact from mobile to app, this way it becomes easier for hosts to Invite their contacts. Hence hosts need to be sure that they are actually sending Invites to their known contacts rather than strangers.

A host may send upto 20 Invites

Sending Invites to complete strangers may lead to deactivation of account from Pooltoo App.

Pooltoo Credits earned through Invites can only be used to book next/upcoming rides on Pooltoo. This is not transferrable and can’t be exchanged for cash.

There could be different terms or usage policy with reference to Pooltoo Credits decided by Pooltoo as a Company.

Pooltoo reserves the right to make any changes/modification/deactivation of this program at any point of time w/w notification.

Trick to get Wallet money in to PayTM wallet

Assume You have ₹50 in your wallet which you earned by refer.

Now make a another new account B on Pooltoo . Now offer a ride short distance which value is 40-50.now seek a ride with account A and pay with account A .now start a ride ( make sure off your GPS ) .after 20 minutes end your ride. You will get payment on your B account PayTM in 24 hours.also you will get 20 – 20 extra credit on your account


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